Samsung brought its prices for 5G phones down to Earth when it unveiled the Galaxy A32 earlier in the year, but now it's poised to make fast wireless entirely commonplace. Frequent tipster Ishan Agarwal has given 91mobiles what appear to be press images and specs for the Galaxy A22 5G, an even lower-priced device. The budget 5G phone wouldn't stand out by itself with its plastic body, three rear cameras (48MP, 5MP and 2MP) and teardrop selfie camera notch — instead, the specs would help it attract buyers.
The Galaxy A22 5G will reportedly run on a MediaTek Dimensity 700 chip and use a 6.4-inch (if 1080p) LCD screen to keep costs down, although it would have a sizeable 5,000mAh battery. You'd have a potentially more powerful overall phone by settling for the LTE variant, though, as you'd get an AMOLED display and a 2MP fourth rear camera in return for the slower wireless tech.
Agarwal didn't learn price and availability for either A22 model. It's safe to assume the new handset will undercut the $280 official price of the Galaxy A32 5G if and when it arrives in the US, though, and that's before Samsung's typically aggressive discounts. You can already get the A32 5G for $205 on sale — an A22 could easily sell for less than $200. That could make 5G accessible to even more people, especially in the US and other countries where non-Samsung Android brands tend to struggle.
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The Link LonkMay 17, 2021 at 02:36AM
Samsung's leaked Galaxy A22 may be its most affordable 5G phone to date - Engadget
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