Samsung’s upcoming midrange device, the Galaxy A52 5G, appears to be in line to receive monthly security updates. First spotted by Galaxy Club, the yet-to-be formally announced A52 5G appears on Samsung’s security update page for its monthly update cycle. Along with earlier rumors of high refresh rate screens — and a new leak that suggests the main camera will offer optical image stabilization — this looks like Samsung is taking the A51’s successor very seriously.
Samsung generally reserves spots on the monthly update schedule for flagship and higher-end devices. While this isn’t the first time a midrange A-series device has been scheduled for monthly updates, last year’s Galaxy A51 and A51 5G are on the quarterly update schedule. Putting the A52 5G on the monthly schedule makes it more competitive with the likes of the Pixel 4A 5G, which receives frequent updates directly from Google.
As far as leaks and rumors go, update schedules aren’t as exciting as hardware specs like screen refresh rates and megapixel counts. But they’re just as important; regular updates ensure that bugs and issues can be fixed in a timely manner. Samsung has committed to offering a minimum of four years of regular security updates for many of its Galaxy devices, including the A-series. The A52 5G will probably drop down to quarterly and then occasional frequency toward the end of those four years, but this still goes a long way to making the device usable for many years to come.
There’s still no word on an official release date for the Galaxy A52 5G and A52, but it seems likely that a launch is imminent.
The Link LonkMarch 03, 2021 at 01:34AM
Samsung Galaxy A52 5G should get monthly updates - The Verge
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